Port Gamble Maritime Music Festival

About  •   Schedule  •   Location  •   Tickets & Help  •   Songwriting Contest  •   Supporters  •   Performers  •   Press  •   Contact


The Port Gamble Maritime Music Festival was founded in 2006 and is one of only a few festivals in the US dedicated solely to maritime music.

If you would like to cover the festival for your news outlet, please contact us. We will be happy to discuss the festival and its history, and to direct you to the best interviewees for your needs.

There is a great deal to say about our performers and contest winners, about maritime music and how it has been used in the Northwest, about the traditions and history of Gamble Bay and the Kitsap Peninsula, and about maritime music in general and its persistance, relevance, and uses in the 21st century. We can help you find all of that.

Press Contact Information

Email:  info@portgamblemaritimemusic.com

Past coverage


This page and its surrounding site belong to Maritime Folknet, a registered 501(c)3.
Site design by David Kessler